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In HANNIKO we know that the reasons for loving dogs are infinite. It can be easily resumed: dogs make us happy without asking for anything in return. But even more, dogs have always been used to make our life quality better: for example the shepherd dogs relieve the work of our farmers. And who doesn’t have in mind the image of a Saint Bernard dog, with that little barell hanging of his neck, rescuing an avalanche victim in the snow? We come along guide dogs that make blind peoples life easier almost everyday…
Etc. The list is endless. But today we’d like to talk about a specific group of dogs that bring security, tranquility and trust to women who are victims of gender violence. These dogs are members of the PEPO Project.

A complete free service for gender violence victims
It all began when Angel Mariscal, dog trainer and owner of Security Dogs, received a request of a dog for the personal protection of a woman who was a victim of gender violence. His team trained a dog that began to perform this task. But that was only the beginning. Since then, and after many analysis, studies and proofs, they came up with an specific training plan for dogs who’d need to be protective with gender violence victims.

That’s how the Mariscal Foundation is born, and in 2016 the Pepo Project is created to offer, on a complete free way, defense and protection to abused women by specifically prepared dogs for it. The Project is not only here to provide a dog to these women, but to cover their needs in a protective way, by social integration, labor integration, education, overcoming fear, increasing self-esteem, etc.
For a good protection the best training
To access a Pepo, a protective dog, it is necessary to receive an specific course about gender violence and Pepos. It is a total of 240 hour training (completely free) focused to work, train and coexist with the dog. Always under the surveillance of proffesionals, so that the new owner acquires the best knowledge possible and the most efficient.
For more information about this, nonprofit, initiative you can take a look at the Pepo Projects profile on Facebook.
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