Do dogs commit suicide?

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In the last days we’ve been receiving this article by many different sites and in HANNIKO as dog lovers, we’ve found it very interesting.

Dog suicide bridge in Scotland

We summarice it: Since 1950, many dogs that go by the Overton Bridge, a bridge located in the Scotish town of Milton, jump into the void. It is a very serious matter, as it’s already around 100 dogs who’ve decided to jump from this particular bridge. Because of this, some theories and superstitions have been generated about this place, even veterinarians and authorities have recommended to dog owners to try to avoid this place.

Mystery solved… almost

It seems that the most certain explanation for it is the smell. Dr. David Sands, from the animal behavior clinic in Lancashire, England, investigated this repeated incident deeply and discovered that most of the dogs that jumped of the bridge were from three dog breeds: labrador, collie and Golden retriever.

Incidenting in the possible smell that turned the animals mad when passing by, he came to the conclusion that the responsible for this to happen were the anal glands of the american mink, a rodent that turned that area into its habitat at the same time the disasters began to occur.

Visón americano en los alrededores del puente de los suicidios

Dr. Sands continues investigating to strengthen his theory. We’re waiting on his final news. But in HANNIKO we’re still interested about the question generated in this headline: ¿Do dogs also commit suicide, like people?

Experts say no

There is a more or less clear consensus about this issue: animal health experts say that dogs do not commit suicide. There must be a planning to do so and according to scientists in the animal kingdom there’s only three species that are capable of planning their own death: whales, dolphins and elephants.

perro deprimido
Source BBC news

However, it’s incredeble the amount of dog cases that in a way or another are looking for they’re death. There’s basically two common acting patterns:

1. Let yourself die

Canine neuroscience studies afirm that the inability of experimenting pleasure and the loss of interes or satisfaction are depression symtoms in dogs. That’s where we find a thousand of interesting cases where dogs lie next to their owners grave and then turn this place into their home, not doing absolutely anything else… sometimes not even searching for food.

perro tumbado sobre la tumba de su dueño

Stop eating, stop standing up, stop responding to stimulation, etc., these are some of the manifestations that sick and old dogs can suffer, sometimes just for being sad for some other reasons. In this cases it sometimes gives us the feeling that the dog wants to stop living. Although this approach is too human, it does not lack of a certain reason, it seems inaccurate to talk about suicide.

2. Dangerous behaviors for one’s integrity

You’ve probably heard news about dogs jumping of balconies. This action is obviously suicidal in the case of humans, mainly because someone who jumps out of a balcony probably knows what can happen to him.

Dogs don’t know about it. Those dog cases of jumping to the void from a balcony usually take place after periods of stress generated by psychological and physical abuse: dogs that are locked in balconies without water or food, which end up jumping simply searching for a way out. His action does is not seeking his own death but improving his curren situation.

perro encerrado en balcón

Early detection and treatment

The most common causes for which a dog can fall mentally ill are the overcrowding, loneliness and lack of physical activity. As a general rule, whenever we observe a self-destructive tendency in our dogs, it is essential to consult it with our veterinarian. The specialists will help us determine what is happening and how we can resolve the situation. For example, there are therapies aimed at restoring the trust and joy of living to mistreated and abandoned dogs.

perro en veterinario por depresión

We hope you have it all clear now: dogs do not commit suicide … consciously. If you want to continue learning interesting content about dogs, suscribe to the HANNIKO newsletter. The web for inspired dogs.

BBC News



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